Sunday, July 29, 2007

Okay, CATHY - here are some pictures!!

Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Amber and her Majesty:

Thinking of what she wants to chew on next:
Grandpa Miller:
Enough said!


Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you..... I love the pictures. I just love looking at her. Aren't you tempted to bite her sometimes? (: She is just too cute. And, like I said-there should always, be pictures of her majesty at court...


Anonymous said...

Ok, ok. I just read what I posted, and I don't want you to get alarmed... I would never acutally bite her.... :0 Just be tempted- I promise-my children have made it though unscathed (for the most part.)


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you got a visit from your family. I hope it was wonderful! love ya - Aunt Monya

Anonymous said...

Who is that good looking man?? And, how does everyone manage to get the worst pictures of me and then SHOW them off to the world? You know I can't stand photos of myself. Other than that, had a good time, dad got lots of rest and I got hugs and slobbers (the best part). Miss you, can't wait to see you (and Aurora and Mike) soon.

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