Oh we had the best time today! Jacob came over and I took him and Aurora for a playgroup at Gymnastics World. Apparently they have "open gym" one morning a week and all the little kids can come play to their hearts' content. I will admit that it was somewhat difficult to wrangle two toddlers at the same time, but we still had a blast and I would definitely do it again. Here's a couple pictures and maybe even a video or two :)
Strapped in and ready to go
Headed for the trampoline
Oh yeah, we're definitely going again!!
And a bonus video from Monday:
And, on the eve of her 15 month birthday, I am proud to announce that my little girl is officially completely weaned! No more boob for her - she gets all her liquids from a cup now. She had a little bit of a tough time going to bed tonight (cried for 15 minutes) but I predict that she will get better at it as time goes on. So, she's sleeping through the night, taking predictable naps, and completely off the boob - now I have to worry about grades, dating, and driver's ed, right?
you have got to move closer with that little one! I should be able to squeeze her more!
Love you both - Aunt Monya
looks like we have a little gymnast on her hands!!!
those videos had me laughing so hard I cried, literally!
I LOVE Y'ALL!!!!!!
amber :)
Edit: OUR hands, not HER hands
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